#acaNoTier LeRoy to Midland, 83 Miles | Midland Mishaps

Riding Stats


Route Tracker

Our day began early, about 2:30am tending to three uninvited guests to the campsite. The well fed raccoons paid us a visit and as Tom was shooing them away I was safely tucked in the tent Googling the best way to keep them from coming back. I so appreciate my iPhone and cell service.

It was a lovely night to sleep outdoors with owls singing lullabies most of the night. We are getting so spoiled. And the raccoons decided to visit another site so we were well rested.

Up and at ’em early we rolled out of the campsite about 8am and were on our way to (of all places) Temple, MI where we planned on a possible second breakfast. Right in the middle of prayers I picked up a metal staple that flattened my rear tire and yes, Vic it’s most always the rear tire. With Tom well ahead I got started fixing it.

Tom returned, got the tire and tube on the rim and back on the bike. Soon three “helpers” showed up, Harvey, Frankie and Steve – their pic is in the vid.

From then on the rest of the day went smoothly, well until the end of the day.

At Lake George we got to talking to a retired US Marshall who worked as a part time patrolman in this small and remote Michigan town to “get away” from it all.

His first day as a patrolman was on Christmas Day years ago. (You can tell he loves to tell this story) He pulled a car over with two elderly men in front and two ladies in back.

The driver had run six stop signs. When the patrolman asked the driver if he knew what he was being pulled over for, the elderly man in the back seat took his teeth out, turned to his wife and said “hold these. I’m going to kick his a$$.” His wife turned to the would be assaulter, hits him with her purse and told him to stay put. The driver was let off with a warning and no arrests were made.

As far as where to stay in Midland we’d reached out to a Warm Shower host but without hearing back from them and no camping options we were stuck getting a hotel. #notcomplaining

We cued up Google Maps to find one and it led us on a wild goose chase. What’s more is that when we finally located it, there were signs in many of the windows saying the rooms were condemned. We’d even called ahead and were told to come on by because they had two rooms left.

Ummm just no. Not doing rooms next door to condemned rooms because well… bugs fly. By this time it was after 8pm (we’d stopped for dinner) and all we wanted to do was get out of bike shorts and get settled in.

After touring the better parts of Midland and some not so good we found a room at the Best Western that also offered a breakfast (with unlimited Nutella). #sold

Most of today’s route was on a paved rail trail with villages every few miles. We were able to pick up a new tube, gas for the stove and enjoy a picnic lunch. My fave!

All is well on the tour and in Midland.

6 thoughts on “#acaNoTier LeRoy to Midland, 83 Miles | Midland Mishaps”

    1. I’m pretty sure it’s off of a Windham Hill CD I have. It’s always been on my play list though. I’ll check when we get home. 👍🏻 with the accidental slo mo on the video we got to hear more of the song!


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