#acaNoTier Crandon to Shawano, 73 Miles | Up North

Riding Stats


Route Tracker

We have just one more night in Wisconsin and believe we have cycled on some of the most beautiful county roads up north. The lakes, the woods, the rollers all make for memorable riding.

But the storms. Whoa. In Crandon on Thursday we were all set to go when radar revealed more strong storms in the area.

Again. Should we stay or should we go? We were all packed up, helmets and lights on. What to do?

We stayed. We went back into our little motel room at Main Street Inn when at once lightning struck and sizzled something in the building next door. Ouch!

So glad we stayed.

Problem though. Since the Jeepers were in town, Main Street Inn didn’t have a vacancy that night. Storms were predicted for most of the day so we planned an impromptu rest day for Thursday.

After making calls we found a room at the Best Western and stopped and grabbed second breakfast on the rainy ride there.

The BW was luxurious compared to the motels and camping we’d been frequenting. We have come to love the mom and pop motels but the BW was a welcome change. We did nothing but eat, sleep, read, do laundry and look at maps all day. Very restful.

Friday we took off about 6:45am and had a 92 mile ride scheduled. It was still raining but at least there wasn’t any hair-raising lightning.

Again the woods up north are dense and lush. The roads are remote and the lakes, pristine. All make for a stellar ride… even if it is raining.

At Lily we encountered a hefty detour… a bridge was out. Concerned, we looked at our maps for a work-around.

How often does a detour shorten the distance? Well that’s what it did. By 20 miles. Happy dance for me!

We got to Shawano about 2:30pm and that even included a brat stop for lunch.

We are hoping the storms have moved out so we can camp our last night up north. Next stop… the ferry across Lake Michigan.

Also on Friday we found out Lindsey Hein’s I’ll Have Another Podcast was published. Lindsey interviewed us the day before we left about our coast to coast ride, our 50 state marathon chase, family life and more.

If you get a chance give it a listen here. She makes it easy and fun during an interview and if you’ve already read enough about our ride on this blog, check out I’ll Have Another. Her podcast is inspiring for runners, moms, athletes – just about anyone!

And finally happiest of birthdays to my Irish twin brother, John. Love you, bro!